Earth Mutther Healing

An African-centered wellness enterprise

Mid-July Update

Earth Mutther Healing has a new date and a new rate for the Healing Water Getaway! Also, we’ve got the next Stepping Into Womanhood Program (Level I) beginning soon. Lastly, we’ve added two new Reiki services.

Podcast Interview: Earth Mutther & Mali Freebird

Join Mali Freebird & Earth Mutther as they discuss new happenings, life and life hacks. Please note, the Healing Waters Getaway date and rate has changed. View the updated information on our events page.

Sankofa: History Heals Workshop Review

Our recent online workshop was a first and we deemed it a success! Participants gained a wealth of knowledge about our history. During the 3-hour presentation, we went back to fetch our story and bring it to the forefront of our minds. The feedback received from both workshops held during the month have been inspiring […]

Seeking Peace of Mind & Spirit

Many of us continue to seek peace of mind and spirit amidst chaos, confusion, and uncertainty. We are accessing peace through a variety of activities that center our minds and spirits. Some of us soak in a bubble bath, while others stroll through the park in the morning hours. Others of us record our thoughts […]